Who We Are

Iso Leso Optics is a highly respected national network of optometrists with a reputation for delivering high quality service and products to its members, their patients and members of medical schemes. Its mission is to ensure the viability and stability of the optometric environment for all role players, including the optometric practice. 

Iso Leso Network Provider Agreement 2024
click here to download 

2024 Tariffs

Available for Download

Diabetic Retinopathy 

DHMS Screening Benefit

Fraud Waste and Abuse

Read about Fraud


Free Online Submission


Online Specialist Advice

Iso Leso APP 

First-of-its-kind mobile APP

Contracted Medical Aids

Click on your medical aid logo to find your nearest Iso Leso Optometrist and view your Optical Benefit Guide


Register your practice to become part of the Iso Leso Team

Contract Benefits

View Our 2024 Rates for member and non-members

How To Claim

All information you need on Claiming and Submission


Exclusive Benefits Available.
Don`t miss out!