What is AVI?

The Africa Vision Institute (AVI) is an organisation that combines the skill of optometrists and ophthalmologists in a technology centred service and the platform is the first of its kind in South Africa.

As an accredited optometrist, you will have access to custom designed software that will enable you to upload data and images obtained from your fundus camera or OCT onto a secure website. The data is evaluated by a panel of accredited ophthalmologists and a report is issued within 48 hours. This report is used to direct the patients’ future management. The patients’ personal information will remain with you and will not be used for any other purpose. Any communication with the patient regarding further care will be your responsibility.

The AVI system provides patients with access to the highest level of diagnostic eye care possible in South Africa, by offering state of the art secondary care evaluations, at primary care level.

The AVI system feeds a national data base and offers a uniform reporting system that verifies and audits each investigation performed. This data base can be shared for epidemiology studies, research, practitioner audits, surgical/therapeutic outcomes and education.

The system:

  • improves the effectiveness of the referral cascade as the use of this technology allows for the prevention of blindness due to the early detection of asymptomatic diseases.
  • The portal for easy access to a specialist opinion and the resultant interactive co-management between primary and secondary care, will result in upstream (early) intervention and save on downstream (costly) intervention and/or rehabilitation.